Tag Archives: yoga

Fruit on Steroids?

I’m going to be Captain Obvious here for a moment and tell you that fruits and vegetables are some of the best food choices around when it comes to feeding both our kids and ourselves. I know, I know. For most, that’s common knowledge. It’s definitely something I have always strived to lived by too. Fresh produce can do marvelous things to your body like keeping you healthy, helping to manage your weight and maybe even preventing illnesses as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention swears by their benefits and recommends several servings a day. Who can argue with the CDC?

Well, me. Maybe.

I am by no means an “all-organic-or-nothing” type of parent. Having 3 small children and being a stay-at-home mom living on a single family income, I couldn’t be the Crunchy Yoga type even if I wanted to. I just try to be sensible and believe in moderation of everything.

(I suppose it also helps that that way of thinking justifies me in having chocolate everyday?)

So in light of this and some inspiration from one of my recent post about apples, I headed out to a local grocery store to pick up a few of the super yummy fruits. My youngest daughter and I had some baking to do!

But after a quick trip and a bag full of apples later, I have to wonder… Are they putting fruit on steroids?

I picked these beauties from the same bin!


I know you’re thinking it, so I’m going to go ahead and put it out there: What.The.Hell?

Or maybe you’re just wondering why I bought it in the first place. Well, to be honest, it was so freakishly large I had to show someone. So I brought it home to let my husband and other two kids marvel in it’s largeness. And then we did the unthinkable, we ate it. We ate the steroid apple. It turned out to be substantial enough to feed 5 people a fairly decent snack! I should probably flex a muscle or two just to see if it’s changed my strength at all.

I’m not trying to start a revolution or anything here – but I will say that I’m pretty sure you won’t find such a size difference in the organic aisle. Or maybe this particular apple is just an overachiever? We’ve suffered no ill effects yet from it but I don’t think I’ll be seeking out or buying another anytime soon. That one apple alone was almost $1!

It WAS tasty though.

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